Friday, October 29, 2010

In the beginning

Hey guys! So, I'm creating this blog to give me an outlet for my millions (at least it feels like it) of hobbies. Maybe this will even help me evenly focus on all of them, so one of them doesn't feel left out of my life, haha.

For one, I love to write. So yay for creating an outlet for my writing!!!

Second of all, I love love love beauty and fashion. My current obsession happens to be make-up tutorials on youtube. If you are interested in make-up, I highly recommend Michelle Phan and Kandee Johnson's channels on Both of them are professional make-up artists with extremely detailed and well-taught tutorials. I learned so much from watching them. Kandee Johnson, in particular, is absolutely inspiring. She's always upbeat and enthusiastic. She's also been through alot in her life, and when I'm having a bad day, reading her story and seeing where she is in her life now really motivates me to pick my feet up off the ground.

Aside from being fascinated with other make-up artists, I also happen to be in the process of setting myself up as a make-up artist, too! I have a very basic kit right now, but by April/May, aka PROM SEASON, I should be totally ready to roll! (*cough cough* *hint hint*) My co-conspirator, aka my boyfriend Ryan, has promised to buy me a bunch of professional make-up from MAC for Christmas, which is uber exciting. Also thanks to Ryan, I recently posted my first make-up video on youtube! TA-DA! I seriously wouldn't have posted it without his encouragement... And the make-up he bribed me with to do it hahaha. So much love to him :)

I'm also rather keen on books (other people's, not just mine, of course, haha... though I do have one in the process), sewing, knitting, crocheting, fashion, video games (I'm in the course of giving up on the beautiful but boring FFXIII), and dancing! But more on that later :)

Remember, always believe in faeries! Never give up on what seems impossible, because it just might not be ;)

Love always,
Andrei <3