Thursday, February 17, 2011

Champagne Tastes on a Beer Budget: DIY Face Masks

"For Champagne Tastes on a Beer Budget" is the slogan for the youtube channel Vainglorious, a sect of Threadbanger that focuses on fashion. I love it, and it inspired to put together this little post for all you fashionable poor people out there (like me).


For dry skin- This is the method I use, so I know it's tried and true :) Get an avocado, chop it in half, gut it, and mash it up. Mix it with about a 1/4 cup of honey. Smear the yummy mixture on your face, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then wash it off. Enjoy your naturally soft face!

For oily skin: Try Milk of Magnesia. Now, this might not be in your kitchen (for those of you who don't know, Milk of Magnesia is a liquid often used to aid in, ahem, digestive issues), but it is a relatively easily accessible item, even if you don't have it. You can find it at Walmart for really cheap (look in the medicines). Anyway, just rub a little Milk of Magnesia all over your face, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and then wash it off. According to Paula Begoun in "The Beauty Bible", this absorbs oil even better than clay masks do, and will leave your skin feeling nice and refreshed.

For acne- For this mask, you will need about 3 aspirin, honey, water, and olive oil. Crush the aspirin using a coffee cup or glass, and put it in a dish. Mix in a few drops of water so it dissolves and gets a little pasty. Then, mix in warm honey and olive oil. Rub the concoction all over your face, allow to dry, and then wash off after 10 minutes. This should help dry up any existing pimples and redness on your face :)

Now, take into consideration that FOR ALL OF THESE MASKS, everyone's skin is different. You may have a reaction to something that I don't, and therefore an at-home facial might not be the best. However, I do have really sensitive skin, and I've never had any issues with kitchen facials lol. So, I hope you try one of these and enjoy it!!! Let me know if you do! I'd love to hear it. (Email:, Twitter: BelieveMakeup)

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